From the top of the front here Roar falled down and brook his thighbone just before DS5 had his confirmasion.

But now the summer and the warm days have come and the boat are in the lake, Rømsjøen, here just nearby home.

We are out early in the mornings going out on the lake.
Enjoying the sun and the warm weather

We are bathing and just relaxing in the sun getting a nice tanner

From the seaside you can reach many small sandbeaches...
We find them and Roar can have his training in the water.
It is going better and better every day

Så deilig å ha vann rett i nærheten! Det er koseligt med båt :o)
SvarSlettFlott blogg,gratulerer med båten.
Må ha vært nydelig ute i båten på de varmeste dagene:-) Håper det blir mange flere badedager i løpet av sommeren:-)