Wow I have a lot to catch up with since last blogging….
Well I have to start in one end so……
NQF -The annual meeting in The Norwegian Quilt Association in marsh .
I took some photo from the shops and just look at all the wonderful inspirations.
I had a wonderful time meeting friends, eating good food and fill up vitamin-Q

Ingjerd studing a pattern

Kari and Elisabeth infront of this lovely quilt with Garden patch blocks

Corner from Meretes Atelie shop

Here is Kristin looking in Kathrines shop

May Britt and Merete found a Japanes book in "Swedish" But it was only the name on the book. Inside it was all as usual....cnat understand a think reading......

Marit, Anne and Ingjerd good friends from my guild in Tåsen

Turid, Ingrid,Eva and Kjersti also from Tåsen group. Eva have been shopping for a projekt we all are making togheter. We have one result to show in our quiltmeeting in June!
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