Like many others I have done AnnaKa stitchery book. I love all these kind of patterns. Of course I had to make this one too. Thanks May Britt for this one. You are full of inspirations. .
I had to make a little scrapbook look on my front side. Isn’t it adorable with the lovely girl?The text did I print out on my computer
I had to make a little scrapbook look on my front side. Isn’t it adorable with the lovely girl?The text did I print out on my computer
It is lovely! Anyone would be thrilled to use this stitchery book. Very nice work.
SvarSlettNydelig mappe! Jeg har også kjøpt mønster, men har ikke fått gjort noe mer. Likte godt uttrykket med bildet du har brukt - og tekst på norsk :)
SvarSlettNydelig stichingmappe! Likte så godt det nostalgiske sort/hvitt bildet på fremsiden.
SvarSlettJeg har også kjøp mønsteretå denne mappen, men har ikke fått sydd den ennå!
God kveld!
Nydelig med det bilde du har valgt på framsiden.
SvarSlettLove your version... it is soooo lovely!! :o)
SvarSlettOOOh is so lovely, I'm thinking to buy the pattern, but I don't read any norwegain. But yours is so cute.
SvarSlettFlot stitchry mappe du har syet, har også lavet den, dejligt at have med når man skal ud, du må ha en god weekend.
SvarSlettNydelig broderimappe!
SvarSlettStitcherimappa de ble kjempeflott, nydelig bilde på den!
SvarSlettYour stitchery book is beautiful. I think you have given it a real artistic flair with the picture and embellishments. Very nice!
SvarSlettStitchery mappa ble veldig koselig.
SvarSlettLise that is just so lovely.
SvarSlettHey Lise!! Your stitchery folder is WONDERFUL! I love the photo you've included on it - I love old photos like that! And I have one of these too, because the lovely May Britt spoilt me for my birthday and sent one to me as a special giftie!! How lucky am I!! Hope you have fun stitching this weekend - Bear Hugs! KRIS
SvarSlettA lovely version of the stitchery book!