lørdag 21. juni 2008

Our Cyber Day

This is what I got in the mail for my Cyber Day from Mrs. Martin. Thanks :-)

I just love my nameplate even though I miss half my name. It is gorgeous. It is my first cyber stitching day and I have prepared Hanne’s coming and baked her favorite’s buns for a surprise for her, coming the long way to stitch with me this weekend.

I wasn’t sure which pattern to start with so I end up with Gail,s wonderful friendship pattern. For that is what this day is for me; a friendship day cross the borders and time zone.

For dinner I made my favorites chicken dinner here are the recipe:
1 big leek pieced and championed laid it in the pan. Then lay chicken wings upon the stuff. Turn out 3 dl cream and put it all in the Owen at 225 degree C in 45 minute. You serve the meal with rise and a good salad the stuff under the chicken is good over the rise. Have a tasty meal.

This is what we have done so fare. The day is still young so we continue to stitch true out the evening. Hanne is staying over so we don’t need to take an early night.

7 kommentarer:

  1. Fun day, and look at how much you have stitched already. Enjoy the rest of the day.

  2. Glad you were able to get together with a friend for this fun stitching time. I have been stitching off and on today.

  3. What a wonderful day you have had together....wasn´t this a great idea!!! Missed company on my stitching night...next time I will try to find me a partner...;D

    How in the world did you manage to do all that Inger Lise??? Great...Love it!!

  4. It looks like you had a wonderful day together.

    love and hugs xxx

  5. Lovely stitching day. I've looked through my book now and there is a lot of cute stitcheries that I want to make.

  6. Happy cyber stitching day!! Looks like you girls are having a lot of fun!! Ejoy your second day as well!!!

    Btw. That chicken looks yummy :o)

  7. Looks like you girls were having a lovely day. Great food, great friends, great stitchery packs.


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