Friday evening I left for Elverum with Anne Ida and Bjørg in my car. The weather was dreadful it was snowing heavy. The car was filled up with fabric and sewing machines….ready to make “Tepper som varmer” quilts for longtime sick children. May Britt have open here home for us to sleep and her boss opens their canteen to sew in.
Look what we reach to do…It was so fun. Doing what we love and charring it with friends and then give those away to spread some love to make someone’s day a bit lighter.
Look what we reach to do…It was so fun. Doing what we love and charring it with friends and then give those away to spread some love to make someone’s day a bit lighter.

Back home we dropped in at Løitens lights to buy some candle. We had a good trip back home….well nearly all the way. When we reach Gardermoen the heavy snowy weather just come up. I was glad it was so close to home…
My last miles alone back to my place was a dreamy way…no snowing…..but there were someone going out for work….the snow plough car….and he hit me when we meet in the curve just ten minutes from home…. Happy am I. I live and my car can be fixed

We had a great weekend and a I am so happy you did not get hurt in the car accident.
SvarSlettlise....Looks like your weekend was heaps of fun....except at the end, but you are safe that is the main thing.
SvarSlettSounds like your weekend was quite eventful.......glad to hear you are OK
SvarSlettFlott med syhelg, høres ut til å være sjikkelig gøy... og veldig godt at du kom fra møtet med plogen med helsa i behold. Sånt setter en støkk i en!
SvarSlettSå godt at du ikke blei skadet i ditt møte med måkebilen.
SvarSlettSer ut som om dere hadde en flott helg. Godt du kom helskinna ut av møtet med plogen!