I just love to scrap making cards and fun stuff out of paper and all I can find of bling…
I just have to be creative to feel like living….All my spare time I use to make something…
I start my mornings eating my breakfast and knit a bit. Knitting helps my rheumatism fingers to wake up LOL
This is a cooking book with small recipes for Christmas, small cookies and drinks. The pages are filled with stamps and small words too.
I just have to be creative to feel like living….All my spare time I use to make something…
I start my mornings eating my breakfast and knit a bit. Knitting helps my rheumatism fingers to wake up LOL
This is a cooking book with small recipes for Christmas, small cookies and drinks. The pages are filled with stamps and small words too.
You are so good at this. Love the cards you have sendt me.
SvarSlettHeia, den er jo bare så søt!!!
SvarSlettThe book is so wonderful, I love it.
SvarSlettDen er nydelig! Du har rukket utrolig mye de siste ukene!
SvarSlettDenne ser kjempeflott ut. Får vi se den "in live" også eller?
SvarSlettDenne er jo bare kjempelekker! Kjenner det klør i fingrene når jeg ser bilder av tingene dine, men har ikke peiling på hvor jeg skulle begynne... Så dette scrappekurset vi snakket om må det virkelig bli noe av!
SvarSlettHeisan - kor artig den boka var :-)
SvarSlettHar du ei mønster på slike - eller har du laga selv ??
Hadde vert artig å prøve å lage noe lignende
Smil fra monika