søndag 7. desember 2008


My Tannenbaum is all finished up.
I try to quilt it my self, but I am not happy with my result. It went to heavy for my hands so I could not hold it as steady as I wanted to. But it is going to lay on my table and I will enjoy it

5 kommentarer:

  1. It looks great to me in this picture, Lise!!! I'm sure it looks better than you think! And once you have washed it a couple of times it will probably crincle around the stitching and no one will notice the spots you're not happy with :o)

  2. Den ser helt nydelig ut. Du får mye glede av den, det er jeg sikker på!

  3. How beautiful love it very much

    happy stitching

  4. Åhhh, det er bare SÅÅÅÅ lekkert!

  5. Denne quilten er så nydelig! Liker så godt både fargene og mønsteret.
    Jeg er imponert over alle de fine teppene du lager. Du er flink!


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