Yesterday at our local quilt club I got two wonderful gifts from good friends.
Bjørg bought me this Christmas win for all the times I picked her up going for our quilt meetings. I drive in all time you want me to Bjørg. XOXOXO.
Bjørg bought me this Christmas win for all the times I picked her up going for our quilt meetings. I drive in all time you want me to Bjørg. XOXOXO.
Isn’t she nice…..I loved the etiquette telling me it is Christmas win LOL.
The wonderful Christmas card I got from Inga who made this herself. On the back there is a stamp….. in fabric of course. She bouth the stamp fabric when we went to France and I fall for it...so I asked if I could whish for a Christmascard. Inga you remembered me.....Thanks A LOT.
I loved the card Inga.
Thanks both of you so much and a Merry Christmas.
Thanks both of you so much and a Merry Christmas.
Lise what lovely gifts you have some special friends.
SvarSlettNydelig julekort, og så morsomt med julevin, har ikke sett det før.
SvarSlettDet ligger en utfordring til deg på bloggen min. Du får gjøre hva du vil med den, nå har jeg ihvertfall sendt den videre :)
Ha en god helg!
Stikker bare innom for å ønske deg en riktig god jul!
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